Catch the Ghost version 1.1 update is out now with a tuned up Universe, a new UI for apparitions, scroll for more, focus timer screen tips, and “Normal Mode.”
- Universe UX updates. Butter smooth changes to the Universe UI (Universe is available to subscribers only)
- Smoother panning. You can now flick and release and the map will accelerate and decelerate. Before, the map would instantly stop the moment you lifted your finger.
- Zoom and pan simultaneously.
- Super fast panning. Panning now matches the speed of your finger, unlike our previous version that was slower than your finger.
- New UI for Apparitions and Quotes. We weren’t using vertical space very well in our initial design, so we’ve come back with a re-imagined apparition view. Instead of center aligned, we’re now left aligned. We’ve moved the tags to the bottom right, and we now have likes in the bottom left alongside our “Easter Egg” icon. A share button is coming soon so you can share your apparitions in a beautiful format on Social Media!
- Scroll for more animation. Many of our apparitions contain quotes where it’s not immediately obvious if you should scroll or not, nor is it obvious that our quotes section is even scrollable. We added a “↓ Scroll for more” text that bounces up and down a few times to let our users know that there’s more quote for you to read.
- Focus Timer Tips. It’s our job to introduce new users to our unique form of focus timer, and despite the initial tutorial that Frederick Douglass provides, we’ve heard that users need more of a guide on how to run a focus timer. We’ve added a screen tips area that lets you know how many grace periods you have left, and also gives you general productivity advice and tips. Here’s what we have so far:
- Important Info:
- Normal Mode is active! You can leave the App without penalty.
- You are on Focus Mode! You have 3 grace periods remaining for this timer.
- You are on Focus Mode! You have 2 grace periods remaining for this timer.
- You are on Focus Mode! You have 1 grace periods remaining for this timer.
- You are on Focus Mode! You have no more grace periods remaining for this timer. If you leave now, you will lose your ghost.
- Productivity Coaching:
- Digital Hourglass keeps you focused by not distracting you with the passage of time.
- You have a reward waiting for you. Keep focusing on your task.
- 47% of Americans admit that they’re addicted to their phones.
- The average American checks their smartphone 352 times per day.
- 71% of people spend more time on their phone than with their romantic partner.
- Almost 2/3 of children spend four hours or more per day on their smartphones.
- Make sure to stand up and walk around during your break time.
- Important Info:
- Normal Mode. This is in contrast to the default focus timer mode we run called “Focus Mode.” In Focus Mode, we train users that leaving the app while a focus timer is running is detrimental to your focus and productivity, so we disincentivize that behavior by penalizing users that don’t come back to the app within a certain amount of time. Focus Mode allows you 3 grace periods to leave the app, if you absolutely must, but you have to get back to the app before the timer runs out. Your first grace period lasts 60 seconds, your second 30 seconds, and your 3rd lasts 15 seconds. In Normal Mode, you are no longer penalized for leaving the app. Once you’ve earned 2000 coins, you can purchase Normal Mode for a more relaxed workflow. In Normal Mode, you can leave the app for as long as you like — with no penalty — but the timer pauses while you’re gone, so you don’t make any progress towards catching your ghost, AND you don’t get the 1.5x multiplier that Focus Mode gives you. So this means you only earn 6 coins per apparition you catch, rather than 9 coins in Focus Mode.
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
So that’s it! Version 1.1 is available for download now on the App Store.