
Happy Juneteenth 2024 from Aeeiee!

Happy Juneteenth from our team at Aeeiee, and from the abolitionists, activists, and trailblazers who ultimately made this holiday possible!

Here are just a few of these heroes that we memorialize in Catch the Ghost (from left to right): Coretta Scott King, Martin Delany, Maya Angelou, George Washington Carver, W.E.B. Du Bois, Frederick Douglass (our mascot), Harriet Tubman, Malcolm X, Dorothy Height, John Brown, Nat Turner, Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Marcus Garvey, Amos Wilson, Solomon Northup.

Many are famous, some infamous, others you’ve never even heard of. We hope you get to know all of them and their worthy contributions to American society today. You can find them in our American Abolitionists, American Activists, American Presidents, and Famous African Americans collections.

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